Our approach

How we get you there


At Zenshin, we help our clients put leadership at the centre of everything they do.

How do we do this?

‘Becoming a better leader’ is not the end goal—it is an outcome.

So, if you have questions, like how to…

  • Lead effectively in an uncertain world

  • Lead change through uncharted territory

  • Be successful as a new leader

  • Become a people leader and not just be ‘technical’

  • Create an environment where everyone can become a leader

  • Inspire remote teams to be more engaged and productive

  • Define and model what it is to ‘be authentic’

  • Become more aligned, more balanced, and more fulfilled

…we at Zenshin will work with you to define your goals so that in the end, you can achieve these kinds of outcomes in a lasting and profound way.

Our process

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What do you expect to get out of ‘coaching+'?

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Where are you now and where do you want to be?
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How will you get there?
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How does it feel to have arrived at your destination?
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How does life look 6-12 months on?

What you get


We typically measure your results using a variety of tools:

  1. ROE (return on expectations)

  2. ‘Stickiness’

  3. Wellness scores

For ROE, or ‘return on expectations’, we document up-front your expectations and compare those against outcomes after the coaching program is complete. This will include ‘impact statements’ from relevant co-workers and personal contacts, as appropriate.

‘Stickiness’ measures how well the coaching outcomes become habits. We review at either 6 or 12 months after completing the coaching program to ensure that outcomes have remained an enduring part of the leader’s or team’s way of being. If, for some reason, they have slipped, we offer a no-cost make-up session to re-calibrate and put things back on track.

Finally, we use wellness scores to compare pre-coaching program wellness levels with those after the coaching program ends.